Headmaster’s Monthly Message

Last month, we kicked off our academic year at Chesterton Academy of the Most Holy Eucharist. The first days back in the classroom included benchmark assessments and fundamental subject review aimed at building a strong foundation for the year ahead, as we push each student to gain mastery of grammar and mathematics required for more advanced study. 

That said, our efforts here at Chesterton Academy of the Most Holy Eucharist certainly cannot be measured by merely quantitative means, nor are they directed toward purely utilitarian end. I would like to share a bit of the heart behind our educational approach at Chesterton. There's a reason we do work beyond the merely academic.

We attend Mass, we do physical exercise and dance, and we read ancient myths and work to entrap the mythical world deeply in the recesses of our hearts. Myths are timeless, defy logical analysis, and cannot simply be reduced to a moral imperative or dictum. It is a fundamental aspect of our humanity that we abide in story and is among the reasons that our Lord taught in parables. Through story, we gain insight which cannot be transmitted through the merely logical expression of ideas. To quote G.K. Chesterton,

“A madman is not someone who has lost his reason but someone who has lost everything but his reason.”

Reason is an immense and powerful tool--one which needs enculturation in the vast world of The Spirit beyond its understanding (and for which the only guide can be The Truth, The Christ).  

It is a joy and a blessing to be a part of this institution of learning that recognizes the right ordering of our souls in relation to The Truth, centered upon The Incarnation. 

I look forward to sharing glimpses into our curriculum with you throughout this year, as together, we seek to strengthen our Reason and orient our souls toward Christ.

Chesterton Academy Most Holy Eucharist

Chesterton Academy of the Most Holy Eucharist is a joyfully Catholic High School in the classical tradition, located in Yuba City, CA. We are WCEA and WASC accredited and are part of the Chesterton Schools Network.


Prayer, Fellowship, Fun in Sacramento!


Welcoming our new faculty!